

Please save all classwork to the cloud (Google Drive, Microsoft Drive). We'll work on your writing in many of our labs, and this makes your writing easily available.


📌Team Presentation📌Individual Recommendation Report📌Resume and Cover Letter Writing📌Process Description📌Team Paper: Feasibility Report📌Reflection & Revision📌Individual Presentation

Grading Scales & Rubrics

Grading Rubric

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A WorkB WorkC WorkD & F

Your idea is developing, but needs a little polish

Your writing isn't entirely clear

We should discuss your grade

A few more rounds of editing and you'll be ready to publish

Work on the structure and developing a clear thesis to improve

Let's set up some time to talk

Grade & Assignment Values


Students must complete and submit major assignments (Team Recommendation Report and Individual Feasibility Report) and complete the Team and Individual Presentations to pass the course.

Grading is based on the UTD Undergraduate Catalog and a 1000-point cumulative scale for points earned from assignments.  Grades are awarded according to the grids on the following page.

Grade Scale
Assignment Points

Grading Policies


Quizzes must be completed via the online textbook for each chapter prior to the beginning of class on the date the chapter is scheduled to be discussed. Quizzes completed late result in a grade of 0.

Class Attendance

Regular and punctual class attendance is expected. Students who fail to attend class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. Students will be allowed to miss up to two classes without penalty. More than two absences weigh into the communication competency grade. Of course, if you are ill or have an important reason to miss class, please contact me and copy your grader in advance (whenever possible).

Class Participation

Regular class participation is also expected, even in this synchronous, online modality. Again, students who fail to participate in class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. A portion of the grade for this course is directly tied to your participation in this class and figures into the communication competency along with attendance and low-impact (homework) assignments.

It also includes engaging in group or other activities during class that solicit your feedback on homework assignments, readings, or materials covered in the lectures. Class participation is documented by faculty. I expect that you will enable your camera any time your speak in class. Successful participation is defined as consistently adhering to University requirements, as presented in this syllabus. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Class Recordings

Students are expected to follow appropriate University policies and maintain the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Unless the Office of Student AccessAbility has approved the student to record the instruction, students are expressly prohibited from recording any part of this course. Recordings may not be published, reproduced, or shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments except to implement an approved Office of Student AccessAbility accommodation. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

The instructor may and will record meetings of this course. Any recordings will be available to all students registered for this class, as they are intended to supplement the classroom. Watching a recording of a class is not a substitute for attending live; attendance will be recorded for all class sessions. There will never be a need to ask what was covered in class, because you may view the recording of that day’s session.

Students are expected to follow appropriate University policies and maintain the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Unless the Office of Student AccessAbility has approved the student to record the instruction, students are expressly prohibited from recording any part of this course. Recordings may not be published, reproduced, or shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments except to implement an approved Office of Student AccessAbility accommodation. If the instructor or a UTD school/department/office plans any other uses for the recordings, consent of the students identifiable in the recordings is required prior to such use unless an exception is allowed by law. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Original Work

UTD has a no-tolerance policy for plagiarism, copyright infringement, or scholastic dishonesty (including missing citations). If you do not cite your sources with in-text and end-of-text citations in the format required by the assignment’s style guide, if you include direct quotes without quotation marks, or if you publish someone else’s work without permission, your work will be referred to UTD’s Office of Community Standards and Conduct for investigation.

Abide by UTD’s Student Code of Conduct. Be sure to review: UTD’s Standards for Academic Integrity, UTD’s Student Policies, UTD’s Examples of Academic Dishonesty, and the

UTD Student Code of Conduct for information and examples.

The use of AI is considered plagiarism and scholastic dishonesty. As a professor, I am aware of the developing AI technology but know that technology is not neutral. As a college student, you are here to develop your knowledge and skills; AI cannot do that for you. The submission of AI-generated work as your own will be considered a violation of the college’ academic integrity policy and placed in the institutional process for plagiarism. All work submitted by you must be your work.

Make-up Exams
No exams will be given, so no make-ups are necessary. Quizzes will be given for chapter readings and should be completed prior to the class session in which the chapter is covered.
Extra Credit
No extra credit will be offered or granted. Please do not request extra credit. The time to earn points is when assignments are due.
    Late Work
All assignments are due on the assigned date.  Similarly, all presentations are to be conducted on the assigned dates.  If the date for your presentation or any deliverable is a problem, you must notify me as soon as possible so that we can address the situation and consider any alternatives. Do not request a new date and time for a presentation on the day your presentation is scheduled or any time thereafter. You will receive a zero for your grade if you are not able to submit your presentation on time. Be aware of your due date for presentations; any confusion over dates that lead to a late submission will be subject to the late submission policy (covered in the following paragraph). Similarly, no requests for late submissions of assignments should be made on the day the assignment is due or any day after.   Late submissions for written work will receive a 33% deduction if submitted within 24 hours of the deadline. Another 33% (for a total of 66%) deduction will be applied if submitted between 24 hours and 48 hours after the deadline. After 48 hours, no credit will be given for the assignment. The time posted in eLearning will serve as the official time of submission. Incorrect attachments will be evaluated as final submissions, unless alternative submissions are made to the instructor or grader via UTD email prior to the assignment’s deadline. Any work on eLearning that is in progress and is not fully submitted will not count as a submission; make sure you complete the submission process.   If class is canceled for any reason, including inclement weather, the posted assignment due date is still the deadline for the assignment. Please also note that seconds, minutes, or hours late all qualify as being late. Build in sufficient time when submitting assignments to ensure that the eLearning posted time is prior to the deadline.
Special Assignments
No special assignments are anticipated.
Personal Circumstances
If personal circumstances impact your performance, please address the circumstances with me as soon as possible.  It is possible that we will be able to work around your situation if we can address the circumstances when they arise. Initiating the conversation late in the semester or well after the situation has arisen will limit the likelihood of us finding alternatives or any opportunity to work around your personal circumstances.
In industry-related technical communication and in just about any other part of the working world, deadlines are a reality.  Failure to meet deadlines leads to issues such as costly delays in product releases, breaking of contracts, lost current or future business, and inconvenienced co-workers.  Consequently, this class will focus on the need to meet deadlines.  As noted already, late or incomplete assignments will be penalized 33% of the grade value for each 24-hour period following the assignment deadline. After 48 hours, an assignment that has not been submitted will receive a score of 0. The eLearning time stamp serves as the arbiter of whether an assignment is submitted on time or late. In cases where assignments must be submitted via email, the email message time stamp will be used to determine timeliness.
Classroom Citizenship
Students are expected to operate in the virtual classroom in a civil and professional way.  Similarly, when working with classmates on projects outside the classroom, students are expected to work with fellow students in a cooperative manner.
UT Dallas Syllabus Policies and Procedures
The information contained in the following link constitutes the University’s policies and procedures segment of the course syllabus.   Please go to for these policies.
The University of Texas at Dallas is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities.   The syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.   If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (2008), you are required to register with the Office of Student AccessAbility, located in the Administration Building, Suite 2.224. Their phone number is 972-883-2098, email: and website is . To receive academic accommodations for this class, please obtain the proper Office of Student AccessAbility letter of accommodation and meet with me at the beginning of the semester.