David Rheams

David Rheams


Email me to meet up

Office Hours

Monday and Wednesday 6p to 10p





My areas of specialization are science and technology studies, digital media theory, and environmental communication. I am a currently the Head of Influencer Growth Services at rewardStyle, a Dallas software company and a part-time lecturer at the School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). I received my PhD from George Mason University’s Cultural Studies program in May, 2018.

My research focuses on the intersection of science and technology studies and environmental communication. I draw concepts from scholars in both fields to improve the way people understand their environment and how that understanding impacts resource distribution.

I recently completed an edited volume, along with two co-editors, entitled Research Methods for the Digital Humanities (Palgrave Macmillan) in late 2018. My contribution to this volume is a step-by-step guide to the digital content analysis of newspaper articles that allow a researcher to locate relevant actors within a loosely structured corpus of text.

The method was used for a substantial part of my dissertation, Processing Groundwater: An Analysis of Groundwater Knowledge Infrastructure in Texas. The method required creating a simple program to convert newspaper articles into a database and search for influential actors quoted in the articles (currently free to download on GitHub). I hope that creating this sort of software might help researchers, journalists, and environmental activists.

I am currently working on an article that reviews the way algorithmic communication frames environmental discussion on Instagram and a book on ethics in digital marketing.

Currently Reading

Currently Writing

  • "Insta-Environment: Measuring the effects of Instagram's algorithm on climate change communications" for Information and Culture
  • Ethics in Digital Advertising (Working Title) for Lexington Books


Current CV