Web 2.0's economic models

Web 2.0's economic models

February 27, 2024

“10 reasons to delete your social media account" by Jaron Lanier

Facilitation Reading


The Economy of the Social Media Era

Lecture Notes

How have Web 2.0's economic models, centered around user data and content, reshaped the digital landscape, and what are their implications for users and society?

Midterm Prep

To Read

"10 reasons to delete your social media account" by Jaron Lanier.

Read pages 1- 50 (it’s an easy read - skim when possible; read closer when needed). Remember to read this as a historical document as much as current argument.

Supplemental Reading

Lanier’s work was published in 2018 and Data & Society article was published in 2023. When comparing the two, what’s changed (and what hasn’t)?

To Watch

Student Facilitation

No Student Facilitation this week due to Midterms. Focus on getting your assignment in

To Do