
Presentation (20%)

You will provide a presentation to the class. You are expected to create a 5 minute presentation on your final and show at least a portion of the social media channel you’ve created.



Tell us your name
Provide an introduction to your topic & why you chose it
Provide an introduction to your preferred channel


Tell us the method of critique you used to understand the practices (Theory) + (Observations)
Tell us the important findings of your channel


Provide a political economic assessment of your topic
Critique: Borrow methods from the readings this semester and you should cite at least two in the presentation

Turn In:

  • A slide deck (Power Point, Keynote, or Google Slides) with 5 to 15 slides.
  • Slides should have no more than about 10 words per slide
  • Do not use bullet points on your slide. Use as little text as possible in your presentation
  • Do use Images, diagrams, charts, and quotes are all great things to have in your presentation
  • Do use a template for your presentation