The Making of a Movie Industry

The Making of a Movie Industry

September 24, 2024

From Bombay to Bollywood by Aswin Punathambekar

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To Read

From Bombay to Bollywood by Aswin Punathambekar

Read the Introduction and Chapter 1

Synopsis for From Bombay to Bollywood by Aswin Punathambekar (Introduction and Chapter 1)

In the introduction and Chapter 1 of From Bombay to Bollywood, Aswin Punathambekar traces the transformation of the Indian film industry from a national cinema centered in Bombay to a global cultural phenomenon known as Bollywood. The introduction sets the stage by exploring how Bollywood has come to symbolize not just Indian cinema, but a broader cultural identity that resonates with diasporic communities and global audiences. Chapter 1 delves into the historical and economic factors that facilitated this transformation, including the liberalization of India's economy in the 1990s, the rise of satellite television, and the increasing influence of the Indian diaspora. Punathambekar argues that Bollywood's global success is rooted in its ability to blend traditional Indian cultural elements with the demands of global media markets, creating a hybrid form of cinema that appeals to both local and international audiences.


  1. Diaspora: The dispersion of people from their homeland, particularly the Indian diaspora, which plays a crucial role in the global spread of Bollywood culture. The diaspora serves as both a market for Bollywood films and a conduit for their international appeal.
  2. Cultural Hybridization: The process of blending elements from different cultures to create a new, hybrid form. In the context of Bollywood, this refers to the fusion of traditional Indian cinematic elements with global media trends to create content that appeals to a diverse audience.
  3. Liberalization: The economic reforms in India during the 1990s that opened up the market to global trade and investment. This period of liberalization had a significant impact on the Indian film industry, facilitating its transition from Bombay-based cinema to the globally recognized brand of Bollywood.

To Watch

To Write

  • How did the economic liberalization of the 1990s influence the transformation of Bombay cinema into Bollywood? What role did global media markets play in this shift?
    • Think about the economic and cultural shifts in India during the 1990s. How did these changes impact the film industry, and what opportunities did they create for Bollywood to expand its reach?
  • In what ways has Bollywood maintained its connection to traditional Indian cultural elements while appealing to global audiences? What challenges arise from this cultural hybridization?
    • Consider the balance Bollywood strikes between preserving Indian cultural identity and catering to international tastes. How does this hybridity shape the content and reception of Bollywood films?
  • How has the Indian diaspora contributed to the global success of Bollywood, and what does this tell us about the relationship between media and cultural identity in a globalized world?
    • Reflect on the role of the diaspora as both a consumer and promoter of Bollywood culture. How does the diaspora influence the way Bollywood is perceived and consumed outside of India?

Facilitation Schedule