
Media Dossier Workshop: Interviews

September 12, 2024

Related to Due Dates (Class)
  • Preparation (10 minutes):
    • Develop Interview Questions: As a class, brainstorm and agree on a set of 5-7 questions focused on media habits. Consider questions like:
      • What types of media do you consume most frequently (e.g., TV shows, films, podcasts)?
      • How does your cultural background influence your media choices?
      • How do global media trends impact what you watch or listen to?
      • When thinking of what to ask, use the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.
    • Personal Reflection: Before conducting the interviews, reflect on your own media habits and how they might be influenced by your cultural context.
  • Conducting Interviews (30 minutes):
    • Pair Up: Pair up with a classmate and take turns interviewing each other using the agreed-upon questions.
    • Active Listening: Listen carefully to your partner’s responses, taking notes on key points and any surprising insights.
    • Explore Further: Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions if something your partner says piques your interest.
  • Analysis & Discussion (15 minutes):
    • Compare Notes: After both interviews, discuss with your partner any similarities or differences in your media habits. Consider how cultural backgrounds influence media consumption.
    • Global Context: Reflect on how the information gathered could inform a global media project. For example, how might your project need to adapt to different media consumption habits in various cultural contexts?
  • Final Reflection (5 minutes):
    • Journal Entry: Write a short reflection in your weekly journal about what you learned from the interviews. How did the insights from your partner’s media habits influence your thinking about global media? How might these insights shape your project?
    • What struck you as interesting or insightful from this week’s reading? Where did you get confused?