Media Dossier Workshop: Design & Branding

Media Dossier Workshop: Design & Branding

October 10, 2024

Related to Due Dates (Class)

Workshop 5: Visual & Aesthetic Design with Theoretical Integration

We’re going to play a bit with branding today. First, let’s read this:

Branding in the Age of Social Media

Social media was supposed to usher in a golden age of branding. But things didn’t turn out that way. Marketers originally thought that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter would let them bypass mainstream media and connect directly with customers. Hoping to attract huge audiences to their brands, they spent billions producing their own creative content. But consumers never showed up. In fact, social media seems to have made brands less significant. What happened? The issue is, social media has transformed how culture works, in a way that weakens certain branding techniques. It has united once-isolated communities into influential crowdcultures. Crowdcultures are very prolific cultural innovators. Their members produce their own content—so well that companies simply can’t compete. Consider that people making videos in their living rooms top the charts on YouTube, which few companies have managed to crack. While they diminish the impact of branded content, crowdcultures grease the wheels for an alternative approach, cultural branding. In it, a brand sets itself apart by promoting a new ideology that springs from the crowd. Chipotle did this successfully when it made two short films critiquing industrial food, tapping into a movement that began in the organic-farming subculture and blew up into a mainstream concern on social media. Other good examples come from personal care. Axe revived its brand by becoming an over-the-top cheerleader for the “lad” crowd that arose as a response to politically correct gender politics. Dove championed the other side of the divide, with campaigns that spoke to crowdculture concerns about unhealthy beauty standards for women. Brands succeed when they break through in culture, and crowdcultures are a great vehicle for doing that. But firms can’t identify the critical opportunities by relying on traditional segmentation and trend reports.

Branding in the Age of Social Media

Objective: Develop the visual and aesthetic elements of your project by incorporating theoretical concepts from class readings, focusing on branding, style, and presentation. In other words, we’re going to focus on building your “brand” today in class.


  1. Group Work - Developing a Visual Concept
    • Form Groups: Divide into small groups of 3-4 students. Each group will work on developing a visual concept for group members’ projects. The goal is to work as a team (contribute ideas, artwork, etc) on everyone’s project.
    • Create a Mood Board or Branding Guide: Develop a mood board or branding guide that includes:
      • Color Palette: Choose colors that resonate with your project.
      • Typography: Select fonts that support your project. Spend a bit of time thinking through what font helps you communicate your ideas.
      • Imagery: Include images or graphics that visually represent the theory. You can use pre-existing images, AI generated images, or your own art. These may be actual images or abstractions.
    • Mockup Creation: If possible, create basic design mockups based on the group’s visual concept.
    • 📚

      Think of how a movie poster looks, or the images used to market a podcast. The goal is to have you think of your project in a different, visual way.

  2. Presentation & Feedback:
    • Share with the Class (via Teams): Each group presents their visual concept, explaining how the chosen quote influenced their design choices.
  3. Final Reflection:
    • Journal Entry: Reflect on how incorporating visual design helped you think about your project in a new way. Think through the choices you and the team made.
    • Think about the reading for this week. What did you find useful in the reading. How might it shape your own work as you think about framing ideas?