Media Dossier Work: Storyboard

Media Dossier Work: Storyboard

September 26, 2024

Related to Due Dates (Class)

Workshop 3: Storyboarding & Narrative Structure

Objective: Develop a compelling storyboard or narrative structure by collaborating in small groups to refine ideas, provide feedback, and enhance each other’s projects.


  1. Initial Individual Work (10 minutes):
    • Draft Your Outline: Begin by sketching a rough outline or narrative structure for your project. Focus on key scenes, segments, or chapters that convey your message.
  2. Group Collaboration (30 minutes):
    • Form Small Groups: Divide into small groups of 2-3 students.
    • Present & Discuss: Take turns presenting your initial outline to your group. Discuss the strengths and potential areas for improvement.
    • Feedback & Ideation: Offer constructive feedback and suggest new ideas or approaches to enhance each other’s storyboards or narrative structures.
    • Iterate: Based on the feedback, refine your outline or storyboard, adding details or reorganizing as needed.
  3. Final Group Discussion (10 minutes):
    • Share Final Versions: Share your revised storyboard or narrative structure with the group.
    • Discuss Challenges: Talk about the challenges you encountered in structuring your project and how group feedback helped you address these challenges.
  4. Reflection (10 minutes):
    • Journal Entry: Reflect on the collaborative process in your weekly journal. Consider how group feedback influenced your project and what you learned about narrative structure through this exercise.