Media Dossier Workshop: Screening

Media Dossier Workshop: Screening

October 17, 2024

Related to Due Dates (Class)

Workshop 6: Environmental Narratives & Media Representation in Latin America

Objective: Critically analyze the structure and effectiveness of an environmental documentary by breaking it down into its key components, using the week's readings to guide your analysis.


  1. Watch When Two Worlds Collide: Screen the documentary as a class. As you watch, take detailed notes on the documentary’s structure, narrative techniques, visual style, and thematic elements.
  2. Group Discussion - Dissecting the Documentary:
    • Form Groups: Divide into small groups of 3-4 students.
    • Break Down the Documentary: In your groups, analyze the documentary by breaking it down into the following components:
      • Narrative Structure: Identify the key segments or acts of the documentary. How is the story introduced, developed, and concluded? How does the structure support the overall message?
      • Visual & Aesthetic Elements: Discuss the visual style of the documentary. What choices were made in terms of cinematography, color palette, and shot composition? How do these elements contribute to the emotional impact of the film?
      • Themes & Messaging: Examine the central themes of the documentary. How are environmental and indigenous rights issues presented? What arguments or messages does the documentary convey?
      • Cultural Context: Consider how the documentary’s portrayal of environmental issues is influenced by its cultural and regional context. How does it reflect the specific challenges faced by indigenous communities in Peru?
      • Use of Interviews and Testimonies: Analyze how the documentary uses personal stories, interviews, and testimonies to build its narrative. What impact do these elements have on the viewer's understanding and empathy?
  • Integrate Theory: Use the concepts and theories from the week's readings (e.g., the cultural implications of media, the globalization of narratives) to critique the documentary. How do the readings help you understand the documentary’s approach to storytelling, its cultural significance, or its effectiveness in conveying its message?
  • Group Synthesis: Discuss how well the documentary achieves its goals in light of the theoretical frameworks provided in the readings. Where does it succeed, and where might it fall short?
  1. Final Reflection (10 minutes):
    • Journal Entry: Reflect on the process of dissecting the documentary. Write about how breaking it down into its components changed your understanding of how environmental issues are communicated in media. How did the readings enhance your analysis?