
Media Dossier Workshop

September 3, 2024

Related to Due Dates (Class)

Workshop: Pick a topic

Objective: Develop and refine a project concept through collaboration, focusing on identifying the most promising idea.


  1. Individual Work (15 minutes):
    • Brainstorm Three Ideas: On your own, come up with three different project ideas. These should be distinct concepts, each with a unique target market, cultural theme, or media format.
    • List Pros and Cons: For each idea, write down a list of pros and cons. Consider factors such as cultural relevance, feasibility, global appeal, and personal interest.
  2. Pair Work (30 minutes):
    • Present Your Ideas: Pair up with a partner and take turns presenting your three ideas. Discuss the pros and cons you’ve listed.
    • Give and Receive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback on your partner’s ideas, focusing on which concepts seem most viable and why.
    • Refine the Best Idea: Together, identify the strongest idea for each person. Discuss ways to enhance this idea, considering the feedback received.
  3. Final Selection (15 minutes):
    • Finalize Your Concept: After discussing with your partner, finalize your project concept. This should be the idea that you believe has the most potential and aligns best with the course themes.
    • Document Your Choice: Write a brief summary of the chosen concept, including the reasons for its selection and any adjustments made based on feedback.

Turn in on eLearning

  1. Select the media you’d like to work with (show, film, documentary, podcast, album, game, etc)
  2. Give an indication of what you’d like to work on (the media you want to pitch)
  3. Tell me what you choose this topic and potential risks