Foundations & Globalism

Foundations & Globalism

September 5, 2024

Media, Society, World

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See Couldry’s diagram for how to think about Media Theory in 📕Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice: Towards a socially oriented media theory


To Read

In the first three chapters of Media, Society, World, Nick Couldry explores the fundamental relationship between media and the social world. He argues that media is not just a reflection of society but a central component in shaping social realities. Couldry delves into the concept of "media rituals," which he defines as the practices and processes through which media asserts its place in society. These rituals reinforce the idea that media is a natural and essential part of the social fabric, rather than a constructed phenomenon. By analyzing these rituals, Couldry illuminates the power dynamics and ideological structures embedded in media systems. He also examines the concept of "media world," highlighting how media creates a shared space where global and local realities intersect, influencing individual and collective identities.


  1. Media Rituals: Practices and processes that reinforce the importance of media in society, making it appear as a natural and essential part of social life. These rituals often involve repetitive actions that affirm the power and authority of media institutions.
  2. Symbolic Power: The ability of media to shape perceptions, norms, and values within society. This power is not just about transmitting information but about influencing how people interpret and understand the world.
  3. Mediatization: The process by which media becomes integrated into every aspect of society, influencing how social, political, and cultural activities are organized and understood. Mediatization reflects the growing importance of media in shaping societal norms and behaviors.

To Watch

To Write

  • How do media rituals contribute to the naturalization of media's role in society?
  • In what ways does symbolic power manifest in media, and how does it shape societal norms and values?
  • How does the concept of mediatization help us understand the pervasive influence of media in both global and local contexts?

Facilitation Schedule