Workshop: Power dynamics
Workshop: Power dynamics

Workshop: Power dynamics

October 17, 2024
Contemporary Critiques: Filters Bubbles and Glitches


In Class
Related to Due Dates (Class)

Exploring Power Dynamics and Control

How do power dynamics manifest in digital spaces?

Consider who controls the flow of information, how moderation is handled, and what rules or norms govern behavior in their chosen community. Encourage students to think about Deleuze’s ideas on control societies or Marcuse’s thoughts on technological rationality.

Analyzing Power Dynamics

  • Group Formation: Divide into small groups, ideally based on the similarity of their chosen digital spaces.
  • Discussion: Each group should discuss the following questions to prepare for creating their artifact:
    • Who holds power in the digital space you are studying?
    • How is this power exercised, both explicitly and implicitly?
    • What rules or norms govern behavior, and how are these enforced?
    • How do these dynamics influence the interactions and culture within the community?
    • How do these observations connect to Deleuze’s or Marcuse’s theories?

3. Artifact Creation: Infographic or Digital Zine Cover (20 Minutes)

  • Option 1: Infographic
    • Content: Groups should design an infographic that visually represents the power dynamics they’ve identified. This can include charts, diagrams, icons, and brief text to explain the flow of power, key actors, and the impact on the community.
    • Design Tools: Encourage the use of tools like Canva, Piktochart, or Google Slides to create the infographic.
  • Option 2: Digital Zine Cover
    • Content: Groups should design a digital zine cover that encapsulates the theme of power dynamics within their chosen digital space. The cover should be visually striking and include key elements such as a title, imagery that reflects the power structures, and brief text or taglines that hint at the content inside.
    • Design Tools: Students can use tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or any digital design software they’re comfortable with.

4. Presentations and Feedback (15 Minutes)

  • Group Presentations: Each group will present their infographic or zine cover to the class in a brief 3-4 minute presentation. They should explain the design choices they made and how their artifact represents the power dynamics within their digital space.
  • Class Feedback: After each presentation, invite classmates to provide feedback on both the design and the content. Encourage them to suggest improvements or ask questions that could deepen the analysis.

5. Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 Minutes)

  • Discussion: Conclude with a brief discussion on the common themes and insights that emerged from the presentations. How do different digital spaces compare in terms of power dynamics? How do these dynamics align with the theories discussed?
  • Journal Prompt Introduction: Introduce the journal prompt that follows this workshop:
    • Journal Prompt: Analyze the power dynamics within your chosen digital space. Who holds power, and how is it exercised? Consider both explicit forms of control (e.g., moderators, platform algorithms) and more subtle influences (e.g., community norms, peer pressure). How do these dynamics affect the behavior and interactions of community members? Connect your observations to relevant theories from our readings.