
Workshop: Content Analysis for digital ethnography

October 10, 2024
Media as Control


In Class
Related to Due Dates (Class)

Read this:

Now read this…

Now let’s practice

Content Analysis of Your Object

  • Take a few minutes to individually select a representative sample of content from your chosen digital space. This could be a series of posts from a subreddit, a collection of TikTok videos or comments, a set of Instagram comments or DMs, or similar content.
  • Ensure that your sample is diverse enough to capture the range of themes and interactions within the community but focused enough to be manageable within the workshop time.
  • Sharing with Group:Once you have selected your sample, share it with your small group. Briefly explain why you chose this particular sample and what you hope to learn from analyzing it.

3. Group Content Analysis (30 Minutes) - You’re going to help each other out.

  • Group Discussion:
    • In your small groups, analyze the content by discussing the following questions:
      • Themes and Patterns: What common themes or messages emerge from the content? Are there any recurring symbols, phrases, or topics?
      • Community Identity: How do these themes contribute to the community’s identity? What do they reveal about the community’s values, norms, and cultural practices?
      • Platform Influence: How do the technological features of the platform (e.g., algorithms, user interface, content-sharing mechanisms) shape the content? Consider how the platform might encourage or limit certain types of interactions or content.
      • Theoretical Connections: How do your observations align with or challenge the theories we’ve discussed in class? For example, does the content support McLuhan’s idea of media as extensions, or Marcuse’s critique of technological rationality?
  • Artifact Creation
    • If time allows, create a brief visual representation (e.g., a mind map or a chart) of the themes and patterns your group identified. This can help organize your thoughts and make connections clearer.

4. Presentations and Feedback (15 Minutes)

  • Group Presentations:
    • Each group will present a summary of their content analysis to the class. Focus on the key themes and patterns you identified, how they contribute to the community’s identity, and any connections to theoretical frameworks.
  • Class Feedback:
    • After each presentation, the class can ask questions or offer feedback. Consider how other groups’ analyses compare to yours and what additional insights they might offer.

5. Wrap-Up and Journal Prompt Introduction (5 Minutes)

  • Discussion:
    • Conclude with a brief discussion on the importance of content analysis in understanding digital communities. How can this analysis help you in your digital ethnography project? What new insights did you gain from today’s workshop?

Turn in to eLearning

  • Journal Prompt: Write a summary of your content analysis. Describe the themes or patterns you identified and discuss how they contribute to the community’s identity.
  • Reflect on how this content supports or challenges the theories you’ve been working with. How do the technological features of the platform shape the content? Be sure to tie this analysis back to the theoretical frameworks we’ve discussed in class.
  • Provide your thoughts on Deleuze’s concepts and how it might help us understand the digital community you’re studying.