Understanding Media: McLuhan Part 2

Understanding Media: McLuhan Part 2

October 1, 2024
Media as Control

McLuhan Chapters 4 - 7 in Part I

In Class
Related to Due Dates (Class)



just as a reminder, we’re reading McLuhan as a historical document and on its own terms. We’ll have to do some work to expand or disprove the theories we encounter in this text.

To Read


In Chapters 4-7 of Understanding Media, McLuhan continues to expand on his central thesis that "the medium is the message." Building on the concepts introduced in the first three chapters, McLuhan delves deeper into the impact of different media on human perception and social organization. He explores how various forms of media extend human capabilities and alter our sense of time and space. These chapters also introduce the idea that media are not just passive channels of information but active forces that reshape society and culture. McLuhan’s analysis of different media forms—such as print, radio, and television—highlights how each medium influences the way we think, communicate, and interact with the world.

Key terms

  • Extension of Man: The idea that media extend human senses and capabilities, acting as external enhancements of our faculties.
  • Deterministic Impact of Media: The concept that the introduction of a new medium can fundamentally alter society’s structure and human behavior.
  • Acoustic Space: A term McLuhan uses to describe the non-linear, immersive experience created by auditory media, contrasting with the visual space of print media.
  • Visual vs. Auditory Media: A distinction McLuhan makes between media that rely on visual stimuli (e.g., print, TV) and those that engage auditory senses (e.g., radio, oral traditions), each shaping human perception differently.
  • Global Village: The idea that electronic media, particularly TV and radio, compress time and space, bringing people together into a shared global experience.

To Watch

To Write

  • Media Extensions and Human Perception: Do the various media forms discussed by McLuhan (e.g., print, radio, television) extend human senses and alter our perception of time and space? How does Does digital media change his theory?
  • Updating McLuhan's Theories: McLuhan argued that each medium creates a new environment that changes the way we live. Does this idea still apply to contemporary digital technologies, such as social media or virtual reality? What new "environments" are being created, and how do they shape our daily lives?
  • Global Village Revisited: McLuhan’s concept of the "global village" was based on the connectivity provided by electronic media in his time. How has this concept evolved with the advent of the internet and global digital platforms? What are the benefits and drawbacks of living in today’s "global village"?

Facilitation Schedule