
Critical Thought: Marcuse Part 2

September 5, 2024
Rationality Technology & Power

Herbert Marcuse

In Class
Related to Due Dates (Class)


To Read

Herbert Marcuse - One Dimensional Man, Part One:



In Part II of One-Dimensional Man, Herbert Marcuse delves deeper into the concept of one-dimensional thought, examining how technological rationality permeates all aspects of life, leading to a society that prioritizes efficiency and control over human freedom and creativity. Marcuse argues that this rationality shapes not only the economic and political structures but also the cultural and intellectual life, resulting in a population that is largely conformist and resistant to revolutionary change. He critiques the way this rationality absorbs and neutralizes opposition, rendering any potential for true reconciliation or liberation ineffective under the prevailing social order.

Key Terms: Affirmative Culture, Reification, Positivism

To Watch

Rick Roderick’s lecture is a bit dated (1993). Please watch it both as an explanation of Marcuse (he does a great job of it) but also as a moment in time. This is how we taught Marcuse in the 1990s. Our job is to update it for our era.

Guiding Questions

  1. How does Marcuse define "technological rationality," and what are its implications for individual freedom and social change?
  2. In what ways does Marcuse argue that one-dimensional thought has permeated cultural and intellectual life, and how does this affect the possibility of revolutionary consciousness?
  3. Marcuse discusses the concept of "reconciliation" in this section. How does he view the prospects for genuine reconciliation within the context of advanced industrial society?